1: (8) Flint ridge cores
2: (2) Broken tube pipes
3: Hopewell Snyders point
4: Coshocton Knife
5: Polished Celt
6: (4) Coshocton Knives
7: Discoidal
8: Frame of 8 nice arrow heads
9: (3) Broken Gorgets
10: (3) Miniature Hematite
11: 3 ¾” Hopewell Snyders Point
12: (5) Nice Arrowheads
13: Polished speckled granite Celt
14: Full grooved Slate Axe
15: (4) Bone Awls
16: Box of (8) game balls, (2) pitted stones
17: Engraved pendant
18: Hoe Dover Flint
19: Polished Celt
20: Full groove axe